Chronic Poems: MIGRAINE, Poetry By: @MCtheGirL *Fallow @ChronicPets

*Migraines can be hell, but suicide is not the answer. Migraines should not be the cause leading up to death. Migraines should inspire you to be stronger and more powerful than the migraine itself.

You can still be happy, but you must to choose to be happy.

Being content, can be good enough, yet eventually It won’t be what keeps you alive. Choose to be happy 🙃 Even if you’re not happy 😅 Just smile.

Fake it till you make it, lay down if you must. Don’t be stupid; get the restfulness which you desperately need. 😴

Take every break that you might need, then continue on your way or save the project for another day.

The sun will set🌞
The moon will rise🌜
Now rest your head & the night will go by.
The Moon will set 🌜
The sun will rise 🌞
Now another day and another night.
Regardless of pain, life continues~



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