Tag: MCthe1OriginalGirL

Contact Issues

Online Contact Issues When someone online asks me for my phone number, I tend to get anoyann because my number..

YouTube Response: Bright Side “D”

YouTube Response: Bright Side “D” Video Titled “10 Warning Signs You Have Vitamin D Deficiency” by Bright Side. @BRIGHTSIDE It’s..

Instagram Response: #0002

     So, if I’m walking, *with my clothes & my combat looking boots on, I look 100% normal  -Other than..

Food Problems #001

I can’t have gluten, lactose, pork/ham (good bye holiday food), turcky, lamb (food & including wool), *peanuts (which is in..

Seriously: PETA Please?

Twitter Response to: Peta PETA Please?  No animal tests means more animals die.  What if I have a guinea pig..

Instagram Response #0001

Instagram Response #0001 Instagram Response to: @migraine_support URL Link of Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl0lAIEgWZR/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=e1dpyax56k01 I completely agree with you. I can’t say..

190 Year Old Grandma

   *Inspired my niece who wanted soda after midnight, she’s a toddler. She demanded that I believe she is 19..

Public Announcement #0001

Warning: This is my personal stuff gone completely public. Apologies in advanced. I tend to get sick often and reply..

Meemes: ButterCup Grawled

She grawled at me. She wanted longer fence time and the usual lettuce treats.  It was only a short thirty..