Tag: pet

Guinea Pig Approved : PetBed

ButterCup likes her new bed~ Safe and fast arrival time, about one week. Easy to wash. Directions say hand wash..

Fostering Infant Rodents 1

My past experience…. Super tiny eye dropper from vet as infant. When a bit larger when crawling, the milk soaked..

More Quick info of MC

I am a girl. I love animals and plants. Coding & designing websites is what I do. Likes: design, HTML..

Nose 2 📷 GPs

Nose to Camera Guinea Pigs Sniffing Camera Some random photos of my babies, ButterCup, HonniDhal & Jalmon, my cavys sniffing..

ButterCup After Bath

Photos of my Guinea Pig, ButtetCup, after her bath. Photos of her getting dry & chilling out.